mllint can be configured either using a .mllint.yml file or through the project’s pyproject.toml. This allows you to:

  • selectively disable specific linting rules or categories using their slug
  • define custom linting rules
  • configure specific settings for various linting rules.

See the code snippets and commands provided below for examples of such configuration files.


To print mllint’s current configuration in YAML format, run (optionally providing the path to the project’s folder):

mllint config

To print mllint’s default configuration in YAML format, run (unless there is a folder called default in the current directory):

mllint config default

To create a .mllint.yml file from mllint’s default configuration, run:

mllint config default -q > .mllint.yml


An example .mllint.yml that disables some rules looks as follows:

    - version-control/code/git
    - dependency-management/single

Similar to the describe command, this also matches partial slugs. So, to disable all rules regarding version controlling data, use version-control/data.


If no .mllint.yml is found, mllint searches the project’s pyproject.toml for a [tool.mllint] section. TOML has a slightly different syntax, but the structure is otherwise the same as the config in the YAML file.

An example pyproject.toml configuration of mllint is as follows. Note that it is identical to the YAML example above.

disabled = ["version-control/code/git", "dependency-management/single"]